Sunday, December 23, 2007

Regarding (Pumpkin) Pie and Politics

A friend of mine and I made a bet. Each of us would choose one Democratic candidate and if that person wins the nomination, then the other one of us would have to buy the winner a pie. So, which candidate did we each choose?

Well, I chose John Edwards. My friend?? Well, he wasn't sure at first. But then he asked me who was leading. We made this bet back during the Summer, so I told him the leader by a wide margin is Hillary. So, he chose Hillary.

I would say that the bet at the time was slightly insane for anyone but the most devout supporter. But now, I am feeling much better. I can win a free pumpkin pie. I do not know what type of pie I will have to purchase if Hillary wins.

And what if Obama wins?

Well, our lab will receive two pies. Just so long as Hillary and Methuselah (my friend) do not win the nomination and a pie, respectively.

-Zen Blade

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