Friday, December 21, 2007

Why John Edwards?

For those who don't know, I have supported John Edwards (JRE) since 2003.

Why did I support him in 2003:

He was a fresher face. He had a certain lack of experience, which I acknowledged then and now, but he was talking about themes that resonated with me (Two Americas). He also had charisma and it was apparent to me that he was the only Democrat who could appeal to "Middle America". His accent and his cultural background allow a lot of people who don't normally vote Democratic to identify with him. **Self-identification is a big deal**

Why did I support him in 2005-2006:

He continued his work with poverty. He spent one spring break taking college students to New Orleans. A few hundred students working for a week or two may not change the world, but the effort to bring attention to New Orleans and the lack of rebuilding there is important. Who else took the time to do this? He relentlessly campaigned for raising local minimum wage in numerous cities and states. JRE also took a lot of time to better educate himself. He traveled abroad: Africa, Europe, Asia; and he met with world leaders. We all knew he wanted to run again, if his wife stayed relatively healthy, and during this time he took the steps to better prepare himself in the event he did run for president again. Also, during this time he publicly apologized and took responsibility for his IRAQ vote. --A politician admitting he made a mistake.

Why I support him now:

John Edwards is a fighter. He knows the system is not working--wealth consolidation in this country is only speeding up. He was the first 2008 candidate to put forward a serious Universal Healthcare proposal. Senators Clinton and Obama followed months later. He was the first to continue to pursue pushing the minimum wage higher, to $9.50/hr. Senator Clinton has just proposed such a bill (with some differences) in the senate Minimum wage bill. These are but two examples of how JRE has been THE MOST progressive candidate this cycle, and regardless of whether he becomes the nominee he has managed to move the party in a great direction. Other issues I agree with him on are tackling poverty (especially rural areas), how to approach large corporations, nuclear power, getting people involved in our democracy, the farce of "the war on terror", "college for everyone" program, etc...
If you want someone who has the background of living as an average American, who worked hard and succeeded, who does not take any lobbyist or PAC money, and who is upfront on his positions, and who isn't afraid to threaten to take away congress's healthcare (if they don't pass Universal Healthcare for Americans) support JRE for president.

I will not talk about why I am not voting for Senator Obama or Senator Clinton at this point, but I may in the future.

-Zen Blade

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